
Earthquake Information

 Our goal and mission is to keep your child safe kept safe in the event of a natural disaster such as a major earthquake, disabling storm or any other emergency situation which might occur during a school day. We are currently reviving and rewriting the St. Philomena School Crisis Plan. This plan involves written procedures for staff, drills and drill reviews, storage of student and staff personal emergency kits and storage of additional equipment.

 Parents need to provide each child with a personal emergency preparedness kit or “Earthquake Kit”

Earthquake Kit Info


Medicine Policy

MEDICINE (Revised May 2021)

St. Philomena School may provide for the administration of oral medication, topical medication, eye drops, ear drops, or nasal spray to students who are in the custody of the school at the time of administration (RCW 28 A 210.260); however, St. Philomena School must have on file a written licensed health professional authorization form to administer medication. This form must be current and unexpired. Necessary medications are provided by the parent/guardian and kept in the school office. No medication is to be kept in the classroom. Medications will be dispensed only from the original container provided by the pharmacy. Only a designated and trained staff member(s) will administer medication.

Students at St. Philomena School are not permitted to have either prescription or non-prescription medication in their possession while at school. Emergency medications shall be kept in an appropriate, easily accessible location which allows for prompt response in case of an emergency. Medication that requires injections should only be administered after training by an R.N. or M.D, written, signed and current permission from parent or guardian, and identification of staff members who may administer the medication.

  • An emergency allergy self-injector (i.e. an Epipen), may be allowed to accompany the student throughout the school day only after is has been determined to be necessary by the school administration on a case-by-case basis. An emergency allergy self-injector (i.e. an Epipen) may only be administered after training by an appropriate medical professional, written, signed, current permission from parent or guardian, and identification of staff members who may administer the medication.
  • Students needing to use an inhaler may carry one on their person at all times once approved by school administration and documented in the student’s medication file.

Sharing of medication in any way, prescription or non-prescription drugs, is prohibited.

Oral Medicine Authorization Form