

Besides daily instruction in the Catholic faith, the school is responsible to promote Gospel values in every aspect of school life. This responsibility encompasses daily prayer, frequent and regular liturgies, service projects and outreach, training and preparation for the sacraments, Catholic social justice teachings, the mutual respect of teachers, staff, students, and parents and the implementation of just school policies and programs.

St. Philomena School exists to teach the message of Jesus Christ to its students. Therefore, Catholic religion is of primary importance in the curriculum. Christian attitudes and actions are integrated into the complete day.    


  • Students attend Mass or prayer services as a school at least once a week. This is for the instruction and deepening of faith in our school community and is not meant to supplant the liturgical life of the parish at large.
  • Religion Class- Religion is taught regularly as part of the school curriculum. The text used is one approved by the Office of Education of the Archdiocese of Seattle.
  • Sacramental Preparation -Follows Archdiocesan policy that Sacramental Preparation occurs on the parish level, supplemented by instruction in the classroom. The current norm is for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist to be received in second grade.
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation- Reconciliation is made available to the students throughout the school year. This should not take the place of the students receiving this sacrament on their own or as a family.
  • Family Life- St. Philomena School will teach Family Life. The sexuality component of the Family Life series will be taught in grades 5-8, with parental permission.

Non-Catholic students are expected to attend religion classes and participate in all school religious events.

Community Service   

Each student and class takes part in service activities throughout the year. The Service area is an important component of our curriculum as a Catholic school.



Prayer is an essential and daily part of the day at St. Philomena School. Students in all grades are required to memorize different prayers. Please refer to the Prayer List for a complete list of all required prayers.

Required Grade Level Prayer List