About Us » Why Choose St. Philomena School?

Why Choose St. Philomena School?


At St. Philomena School, Catholic traditions, moral values, and ethics are integrated into all areas of the curriculum. There are many opportunities for prayer, liturgical worship, and sacraments that are a regular part of the students’ school day. Weekly Mass is celebrated on Fridays at 8:30 AM. Students partake in Rosary Services and Eucharistic Adoration Services. There are monthly prayer services in which the students lead the prayer. During Lent, students participate in weekly Stations of the Cross, 8th grade students present a dramatization of the Stations of the Cross. Many of the students also serve as altar servers.


St. Philomena Schools strives to provide a strong moral, academic, and challenging curriculum. Our core curriculum includes religion, reading, language arts, math, science, social studies, music, art, technology and physical education.

The St. Philomena School mission statement is used as the basis to support the high achievement of all students, and the people and groups within the organizational structure work collaboratively toward this end. The faculty and staff, the administration, the School Commission, and priests work in harmony to create an environment of positive learning in which the morals and values of the Catholic Church are intertwined with a solid and challenging academic curriculum.

The teaching faculty and support staff are dedicated to supporting high achievement by implementing various teaching strategies, differentiated learning structures, best teaching practices, and summative and formative assessments. Further, they are committed to having a positive home/school partnership that is built on effective communication and mutual trust and respect.


Parents ~ St. Philomena School recognizes that parents are the primary educators of their children. St. Philomena School works in collaboration with the parents to provide the best Catholic education possible for all students. Parents are encouraged to take an active part in their child's education through numerous volunteer opportunities.

Community Service Projects - St. Philomena School is an extension of the St. Philomena Parish Community which supports school life in preparing students to make a positive impact in their community as Catholic Christian leaders, and well-rounded members of society. Every grade level participates in a community service project each year such as food drives for the Des Moines Food Bank, collection drives for Pregnancy Aid, Adopt a Village (aid for the children of our sister school in Guatemala), and more.


A message from Dr. Steve Morissette, Principal...

Welcome to St. Philomena School. St. Philomena School educates the children, the next generations of Catholics and is an integral part of the Catholic identity of St. Philomena Parish. We provide a morally based and  challenging environment that focuses on the child's spiritual growth and academic learning. Your child will be safe, be accepted and be part of our community. Want to learn more?? We ask that you explore the website, give us a call or stop by for a visit...St. Philomena School ...Imagine Yourself Here!!