Happy Thanksgiving

DATE: 11/26/20

According to a dictionary research, the word Thanksgiving means the expression of gratitude, especially to God. This Thursday, we take time out of our busy lives and busy schedules to slow down and say thanks. We give thanks for our families, our friends and our blessings. Most importantly, Thanksgiving is a time in which we give thanks to God for all that he has bestowed on us. We are very lucky to be in a school community that can talk about God and his immense love for all of us, it is what makes St. Philomena School very special. The St. Philomena School faculty and staff would like to wish each and everyone one of you a very happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving! We offer you this Thanksgiving prayer:

Lord, we thank you

for the goodness of our people

and for the spirit of justice

that fills this nation.

We thank you for the beauty and fullness of the

land and the challenge of the cities.

We thank you for our work and our rest,

for one another, and for our homes.

We thank you, Lord:

accept our thanksgiving on this day.

We pray and give thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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