SPLASH Auction

DATE: 3/19/16

One of the school’s two major fundraisers and friend-raisers is the SPLASH auction. It is a dinner gala with a silent and oral auction dedicated to support the full mission of the school held in the spring. An incredible team of volunteers work throughout the year to create a powerful evening celebrating, financing, and supporting the gift of Catholic education.

Please join us on Saturday, March 19, 2016 at the SeaTac Airport Hilton Hotel to Celebrate St. Philomena School! "Heroes" is the theme and our amazing auction team is busy planning this event with a goal to raise more money than we have ever done in the past. This is a community effort and we need everyone's help. Get the word out to family, friends and neighbors. Help us procure items for the auction and lets make this the biggest and best SPLASH Auction ever.

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