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Summer School starts

DATE: 6/19/17 - 7/13/17

St. Philomena School is offering a four day-a-week, four week Summer School program. Summer School will be a time for students to work in small groups, and individually, to improve their core skills in both reading and math. There will be concentrated instruction, review, and technology options for the student to be better prepared for the next school year.

There will be two different grade level options for summer school. Mrs. Horn will be teaching the Kindergarten -3rd grade group. Dr. Morissette & Mr. Gregory will be teaching the 4th -8th grade group. Dr. Morissette will be teaching the reading & writing and Mr. Gregory will be teaching the math.

When: Monday, June 19th through Thursday, July 13th. (No class on July 4th)

Subject Areas: Based on student needs in the areas of reading and math

Times: 8:30 AM to 11:45 PM

Cost Per Child: $400.00 for the 4 week program (That’s only $100.00 per week).

A $50.00 deposit is due with the registration form by Friday, June 9th.

The balance of payment is due by Thursday, July 20th.

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