Mask Mandate ends today

DATE: 3/14/22

Here is the synopsis of the latest school changes from the Department of Health
A student, child, or staff who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to isolate, regardless of vaccination status. The individual may return to school after 5 full days of isolation if:
  • Their symptoms have improved or they are asymptomatic
  • They are without a fever for the past 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medications.
If returning to school after day 5, the individual:
  • Is strongly recommended to wear a well-fitted mask or face shield with a drape during days 6-10 of their isolation period
  • Test negative with an antigen or at-home test any day after day 5. Testing beyond day 10 is not necessary.
Any student, child, or staff who reports or exhibits COVID-19-like symptoms is required to be immediately isolated from others, sent home, and referred to diagnostic testing as soon as feasible, regardless of vaccination status. While waiting to leave the school, the individual with symptoms is required to be isolated in a designated isolation space. They are required to wear a well-fitting face mask, if tolerated and age appropriate. Anyone providing care or evaluation to the isolated individual is required to wear a well-fitting face mask.

Students, children, and staff will have the choice to wear a mask at school. Some may need to wear a mask because they or a member of their household is at high risk for severe COVID-19 disease. Masks may also be required universally during clusters and/or outbreaks in classrooms or with groups of students due to Covid. Students may also have to wear masks when traveling on a bus for a field trip or on a field trip, this depends on the bus company and the field trip venue. This is something we can't control and is up to the individual business, we ask that you respect their guidelines.

When planning a trip, travelers should refer to CDC travel guidance for information.

Physical distancing should not prevent a school from offering full-time, in-person learning to all students . Schools should try and maximize opportunities to increase physical space between students and children to the degree possible during all scheduled activities and limit interactions in large group settings. They should maximize distance between students and children to the degree possible for the following circumstances:
  • When in the cafeteria
  • In common areas outside of the classroom.
Performing Arts High aerosol-producing performers [e.g., singers) should consider wearing appropriate masks while practicing and/or performing.
  • Masking should be considered in general music and elementary classrooms when singing is performed. Staff may provide students with a mask designed to fit snugly while allowing for facial movement during singing. Mrs. Smidt will have students wear masks in music until spring break.

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