Circle of Grace Safety Program

Opt out emails need to be sent by Dec. 6th

DATE: 12/06/23

At the PEP Club meeting I presented information on the new safety program that is replacing “Talk About Touching”. It is called “Circle of Grace”. The religion teacher will be teaching a lesson or two that focuses on strategies to help students stay safe and be aware of their surroundings. They will be teaching lessons sometime after Thanksgiving and before Christmas vacation. This program is mandated by the Archdiocese of Seattle and is approved by the USCCB for child and youth protection.

Children in Pre-K through Gr. 3 and Gr. 6 have multiple lessons. Grades 4, 5, 7 and 8 are taught Circle of Grace through the lens of a specific topic.

Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 2 - What is the Circle of Grace? The Stoplight: Feelings, Touch, Secrets and Safety Plan

Grade 3 - What is the Circle of Grace? Boundaries, limits of our Circle of Grace and Action Plan Grade 4 - Internet Safety

Grade 5 -Understanding the Influence of the Media on our Circle of Grace

Grade 6 - Circle of Grace: Pieces of the Puzzle Safe Relationships, Boundaries, Safety PLAN Grade 7 - Saying “No” to Disrespect: Honoring Everyone’s Circle of Grace

Grade 8 - How to be Morally Responsible in Today’s Culture

I sent out an email with this information. There is no opt-out form. If you do not want your child to be part of this safety program, parents must email the teacher and cc me on the email. The student will sit out of class when the lesson (s) are being taught. If your child is opting out, the email needs to be sent by Dec. 6th.