PEP Club Volunteers of the Year


DATE: 5/29/24

Thank you to everyone who attend our last PEP Club meeting of the year last Wednesday,

At our meeting we handed out our Volunteer of the Year Awards. Congratulations to this year’s recipients: Michael Gudor, Annamaria Gueco and Sophia Casola.

? Annamaria is a St. Philomena School alumni. She volunteers her time as a teacher for the parish faith formation program, she is a room parent and she is the vice president of the newly formed Alumni Association. She is a wonderful representation of St. Philomena School.

? Michel Gudor has been an active parent since his children came to St. Philomena School. He is the PEP Club secretary and he is co-chair of the wreath program. He brings new insight and vision to the school.

? Sophia Casola is the epitome of enthusiasm. She has given her heart and soul to both the Scrip program and as co-chair of the wreath program. Rumor has it she has a tight connection with Bruno the Bulldog, St. Philomena School’s mascot!!

All three of these volunteers go above and beyond and recognize the importance of giving back to the school and parish. We are beyond thankful for all they do.

Congratulations to all of our wonderful volunteers who received nominations: Jilyan Augustyn, Grace Baker, Shavonne Barnett, Casey Bessey, Mark Braunworth, Amaila Gomez, Matt Korzeniecki, Christine McKanna, Stephen McKanna, Vy Nguyen, Marilyn Snyder, Liz Roberts, Anna Swart, Sharmila Swenson, Jack Vincent, Bridget White and Amy Wiltse. We really appreciate all that you do!!